
Just to get this on record, I have no idea where this film’s title comes from. Last week I watched The Creator directed by Gareth Edwards (not the Welsh RU player). It was set in 2065 and posed interesting questions about mankind’s relationship with AI. I found it a cinematic treat; spectacular, imaginative and entertaining.… Continue reading Foe

Pigeon Tunnel

Following his successes with The Fog of War and The Thin Blue Line, director Errol Morris once again delves into documentary territory to give us an examination of the life and work of John Le Carre (real name David Cornwell). There’s a smattering of talking heads, a nicely chosen array of film clips, some artful… Continue reading Pigeon Tunnel


I felt obliged to watch this given the tragedy currently unfolding in Gaza, to see if history had any salient lessons to impart. (It always does) But I’m afraid I just couldn’t decide if the timing was propitious or cruelly inappropriate. The stubborn patriarchies of Arab and Jew have contrived over the years to weave… Continue reading Golda


If there was one thing that I expected to find out here, it was why they called the damned thing a BlackBerry. But despite a scene where alternative names are proposed and rejected, no one actually mentions “BlackBerry” once. Was this an in joke, or a symptom of the unusual construction of the story? An… Continue reading Blackberry

The Great Escaper

I couldn’t escape the feeling that I should have been watching this nestled under a travel rug with a packet of Werther’s Originals and a thermos of cocoa to hand. Because this is a straight-from-the-shoulder adaptation of William Ivory’s book, recounting the adventures of Bernie Jordan (Michael Caine), a D-Day veteran, who attended the 70th… Continue reading The Great Escaper

The Old Oak

Coincidentally is where the truncated HS2 line is now destined to peter out. Just another kick in the teeth for the north of England, so cynically exploited by the Conservative Party and then conveniently forgotten. How this can be a surprise to anyone is mystifying. Because the Tories have traduced and enfeebled northern communities for… Continue reading The Old Oak

The Creator

As a keen student of geo politics I have been increasingly alarmed about the fate of our planet. And that was before an existential threat from AI was identified. But after seeing Gareth Edwards’ action- packed yet subversive treatise on the matter, I think that human survival is probably safer in the hands of any… Continue reading The Creator